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Sunday 30 August 2009

Strathspey Heritage Railway - Boat of Garten

Making our way to Buckie for a week's break, and popped in to Boat of Garten for a coffee break
Fortunate enough that a steam train arrived at the station while we were there.

Steam train arrives at Boat of Garten Station

Steam train departs Boat of Garten Station

View of the Station on a quiet Sunday afternoon

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Saturday 29 August 2009

Collectormania - 'Night is Day' - at Braehead, Glasgow

I went to the Collectormania event at the Braehead Arena today.

Primarily to take a few shots of my son Fraser's promotional table for his Sci-Fi series 'Night is Day'

I also managed a few of some of the actors and actresses who were guesting at the event.

Everyone was very amenable and engaging, and were pleased to facilitate me taking a few photographs, and these can be viewed at -

Included are Peter Davison, Amber Benson, Natalia Tena, Mary Tamm, Hattie Hayridge, Sophie Aldred, Spiderman, and others

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Thursday 27 August 2009

Another Wet Day in Greenock

Another wet day in the town

This image shows Clyde Marine Services new tug - CMS Buster - with Battler and Bruiser

 A view across the Victoria Harbour - Dumbarton is visible on the other side of the river

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Celtic Endeavour

Another miserable day from a weather perspective

Celtic Endeavour - Passes Port Glasgow Light on her way upriver to Glasgow

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

CMS Buster - New Tug

Clyde Marine Services new tug - CMS Buster - arrived on the Clyde today

Weather was very poor. She was towing a barge to Glasgow and was joined by the Battler on her journey from Greenock
More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Monday 24 August 2009

Warmish & Sunny Day around Greenock

A walk around the harbours in Greenock today as it was pleasant & sunny day

A rather dilapidated old US Navy vessel left over from the 'Holy Loch' days

Purchased I believe by a Port Glasgow man with intentions to profit from river use
Sadly it appears to be just slowly rotting away and abandoned
Here we have the SD Impetus - Serco Denholm tug - towing the Sullage Lighter 1710 (U)

A new tug to the Clyde - Svitzer Anglegarth

We look forward to seeing her at work

SD Spaniel - another Serco Denholm tug in the James Watt Dock, Greenock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Wet Day (again) in Greenock

Feels as if it's rained forever - forecast is better for tomorrow - thank goodness

Alba Venturer arrives back to Victoria Harbour, Greenock

Clyde Clipper - Greenock towers in the background

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Friday 21 August 2009

Waverley - Passing Newark

A brighter day today - thank goodness - as we've experience a good few days of very heavy rain
PS Waverley passes Newark, Port Glasgow bound for Glasgow

Close up of the Paddle Box

A seagull enjoys the sunshine between showers

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Wet & Miserable Evening Around the Clyde

Went down the Greenock Esplanade to grab some photos of the cruise ship leaving

The rain could only be described as torrential

This photo shows the 'C Columbus' as she passed Greenock on her way to Kirkwall

Further down at the Cloch Lighthouse the pilot cutter 'Mount Stuart' was making heavy weather of the conditions
....... and this is our summer remember

This photo was of the flowers around the lighthouse - still dripping from the rain shower
More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Wednesday 19 August 2009

'Cameron' - Transports, lays, and recovers moorings

A fairly quiet day for me, going out late in the day

Popped over to the James Watt Dock just as 'Cameron' was entering the main basin

Close-Up of the Bridge

Bow view - she is an ex-RMAS vessel - now owned by 'Briggs'

Berthing in the James Watt Dock, Greenock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Knockhill - Eventful Day

Well, the question was - "How will the weather fair today"?

It was very windy, though sure that held off the rain. We got a few 'spits' now and again, but overall it stayed good.

So we had a good day today at Knockhill Racing Circuit, covered a lot of ground, and strangely didn't meet anyone we knew.

Nasty Accident During a Porsche Carrera Cup Race
A wee bit of glamour

Thrills and Spills

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Busy & Stormy Night on the Clyde

Off to a bad start as the Massdam was delayed in sailing - coach carrying passengers was delayed in traffic

Weather was much better than expected - and forecast - at this stage

Here she is with the Tahitian Princess - docked at the Greenock Ocean terminal
Tahitian Princess sailed later

The tugs - Battler & Svitzer Mallaig assist in canting the Maasdam before she departs the Clyde - heading up the West Coast

Svitzer Mallaig battles past the Massdam on her way to Hunterston for another job
The weather as you can see was now deteriorating

Hairy weather sees these two pass at fairly close quarters
'Battler' - tug in the background - worked very hard that night as she headed to Hunterston, then returned for a job at Finnart Oil Terminal

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Cherry Sands - off Custom House Quay, Greenock

The dredger 'Cherry Sands' makes her way upriver

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Asto Small Ships Race - Starts Today

Today was the start of the race from Greenock to Belfast

Conditions were far from ideal - wet and no wind. Not ideal for photographs either I'm afraid

Caught the last one to leave Victoria Harbour

Taken from Greenock Esplanade - while trying to keep the camera and lens dry

A wet looking crew

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Monday 10 August 2009

Tonight Around the River Clyde

Went down to Greenock to grab a few photos tonight

AIDA cara was leaving on the next leg of her cruise and headed to Oban

Ain't she cute?

The Asto Small Ships Race Fleet was back in the Victoria Harbour having raced off Greenock earlier today

Tomorrow's Itinerary -

Muster off Custom House Quay - Noon 'til 12.30
Parade of Sail down to Ashton - 12.30 - 14.00
Race start from Royal Gourock Yacht Club - 14.30

The quayside was fairly busy with locals popping down to see the fleet and take some photographs

Incredibly the midgies started in earnest after the sun went down

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Sunday 9 August 2009

Wolthusen Departs

A pretty much quiet day and weather dry, but not great

Run to the shops at Greenock, and an Ice Cream on the Esplanade

Custom House Quay to grab this photo on the way home

Wolthusen departs Greenock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Saturday 8 August 2009

Asto Small Ships Race

Asto Small Ships Race

Berthed at Victoria Harbour, Greenock

8 August 2009

The Greenock to Belfast Small Ships Race takes place to coincide with the arrival of the Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge fleet in Belfast.

The fleet are seen here gathered in Victoria Harbour, Greenock.

The main race will take place on Tuesday giving the fleet plenty of time to reach Belfast and join their larger friends from the Tall Ships fleet.

More images are available at - - and these are better resolution.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Busy Day on the River Clyde

Busier day on the river and good weather

These two passed fairly closely - Bramau heading upriver and Marida Mallow heading to the anchorage before going to Finnart oil terminal

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Glasgow People's Festival - 2009

Glasgow People's Festival was staged at Glasgow Green Today

Fine weather ensured a large turnout and the acts and exhibits surpassed themselves in terms of entertainment.

Some happy faces greeted us on our entrance

Danger lurked for the unwary - tho' friendly really

Birds of Prey were on display

This artist is really quite scary in what he does, photo doesn't do justice to the height he works at - and he goes higher still

Stunt cars were entertaining

The Rockin' Horse Stunt Show were incredible - words can't describe this wonderful show

There was just a 'good feel' atmosphere with mostly families enjoying a good day out.

Plan to be back next year
More images are available at - - and these are better resolution.