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Sunday 26 July 2009

Glasgow River Festival - 2009

Glasgow River Festival was held on 25 & 26 July this year

Vital Spark - a regular visitor

Science Museum Tower and lift complex

Zapcats having some fun

Pirates ahoy !!

Hot Oil & Water do NOT mix as ably demonstrated by the Fire Service

Making a splash

It was a much quieter event this year from an exhibit perspective - though the crowds came out strongly on both days.

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Cancer Research UK - Glasgow River Festival 2009

Cocktails, Canapés, & Cupcakes event held at the Glasgow River Festival 2009

I received a kind invitation to go aboard and take a photograph of these lovely ladies, which I was more than pleased to accept

They all appeared to be enjoying themselves - and all in aid of a very good cause

Those cakes look yummy
More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.