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Monday 17 May 2010

Killin, Stirlingshire

 After a prolonged wait for the steam train at Crianlarich, we decided to head across to Killin for lunch.

After returning to Crianlarich to discover we had missed the train, we went back across to get some photos before heading on down to Loch Katrine.

 From Killin Bridge


 Burial Ground - Clan MacNab - Killin

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Tourist Trail

Headed off to Crianlarich as heard that a steam train was bound for Fort William.

Sadly missed the train despite arriving early. Went off for a lunch and it came and went during that time.

Normally take on water at Crianlarich, but sadly for me, not today.

DB Schenker class 66 - 66099 - Crianlarich Station

Crianlarich Station

Tractor Engine

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.