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Sunday 31 October 2010

Kelvingrove - Glasgow - Autumn Sunday

Grabbed a few shots around Kelvinside when walking to the Zombie parade.

Beautiful sunny autumn afternoon.

 Bridge Statue - Kelvingrove

 Autumn Glasgow

 Glasgow University

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Zombie Walk - Kelvingrove, Glasgow - 2010

Well it's Halloween and the Zombies came out to play - even in the daylight - though it was getting dark.

Around 4,000 got themselves made up and thrilled the crowds that gathered to watch.

The whole event was a blast and everyone had a great time.

 McDeath Delivery

 Zombie Bride and Groom

I'm Really Hungry

 Chef and Assistance

 Pretty Zombie

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.