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Saturday 31 December 2011

River Clyde Activity on the Last Day of 2011

 Weather again a bit dour, but grabbed a few on my way to do the final shopping of the year.

Here's to a bright 2012.

 Seaway Endeavour - Ferguson's Shipyard Quay

 Navigo - Off Port Glasgow

 Navigo - Off Port Glasgow

 Bruiser - Off Port Glasgow

 Anglegarth - Off Port Glasgow

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Another Day - Another Storm

Well we're being 'treated' to yet another day of stormy weather.

Anyone fancy a paddle in the river?

 Stormy Greenock Esplanade

 Stormy Greenock Esplanade - Lifebelt Station Blowing Open

Stormy Gourock Promenade

Stormy Gourock Promenade

Stormy Gourock Promenade

Stormy Gourock Promenade

Stormy Gourock Promenade

 Stormy Gourock Promenade

Stormy Gourock Promenade

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Loch Shira - Arriving in Greenock

The CalMac ferry 'Loch Shira' arrived at the James Watt Dock today and berthed in the damp and cold of the winter afternoon.

Expect she will transfer to the Garvel Dry Dock soon for her winter re-fit.

Loch Shira Going Through the Gap at James Watt Dock

 Loch Shira Arrives - James Watt Dock

Loch Shira Passing Hebridean Princess - James Watt Dock

 Loch Shira Arrives - James Watt Dock

 Loch Shira Arrives - James Watt Dock

 Loch Shira Arrives - James Watt Dock

 Loch Shira Berths - James Watt Dock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

James Watt Dock - Minna

Another wee trip in to the James Watt Dock on my way home late this afternoon.

Lucky to catch the Minna depart on her way to patrol duties.

 Minna Departs - James Watt Dock

Minna Departs James Watt Dock

Crew on the Minna as She Departs - James Watt Dock

Minna Departs as Crew Discuss - James Watt Dock

 Minna Departs James Watt Dock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Monday 26 December 2011

James Watt Dock - Today

Not managed a pic in many days, so grabbed these two on my way home tonight as the light was failing.

Minna and Hebridean Princess - James Watt Dock

 Fishing Boats - James Watt Dock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Glasgow's Christmas Lights

Had a wee turn around George Square tonight with my youngest - Fraser.

We had a turn on the "Big Wheel" - and then wandered around the remainder of the entertainment.

Cold but enjoyable night.

 Christmas Lights - George Square

 Christmas Lights - George Square

 Helter Skelter at the Christmas Lights - George Square

Big Wheel at the Christmas Lights - George Square

Christmas Lights - George Square

Music Group at the Christmas Lights - George Square

Christmas Lights - George Square

Short Video

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Friday 16 December 2011

Fure Star - Greenock

A few images of 'Fure Star' departing the Clyde on a winters evening.

Fure Star - Approaching East India Harbour, Greenock

 Fure Star - Off East India Harbour, Greenock

 Fure Star - Passing Greenock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Spuigracht - Off Ocean Terminal, Greenock

After a snowy start this morning the skies were bright.

A few images of an arrival at Greenock - in a cold early winter evening.

 Spuigracht - Off Ocean Terminal, Greenock

 Spuigracht - Off Ocean Terminal, Greenock

Spuigracht - and Tug Anglegarth Assisting to Berth
More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Monday 12 December 2011

Container Ship Encounter - Aground Off Greenock Tonight

The Dutch-registered container ship - Encounter - ran aground just off Greenock Esplanade after coming out of the Ocean Terminal at about 18:24.

The 7,500 tonne vessel was re-floated with the aid of Svitzer tugs, and towed back to the terminal by at around 20:30 tonight.

Encounter Aground - Off Greenock Esplanade 

Encounter Aground - Off Greenock Esplanade

Encounter Aground - Off Greenock Esplanade

 Encounter Re-Floated and Tugs Assisting - Off Greenock Esplanade

Fire Service Attends the Encounter Aground - Off Greenock Esplanade

 Encounter Aground - Off Greenock Esplanade - Tugs Assisting to Refloat

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Around Greenock and the Docks

It was very raw today and quite bitter. Weather left a lot to be desired.

However, onwards and upwards I persevered and managed to catch a few images.

Hebridean Princess and  Isle of Mull - Garvel Dry Dock

Isle of Mull - Paint Job - Garvel Dry Dock

Isle of Mull - Garvel Dry Dock

Isle of Mull - Paint Job - Garvel Dry Dock

Ocean Container Terminal - Greenock

Greenock Waterfront

 Isle of Mull - Garvel Dry Dock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.