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Friday 29 April 2011

Western Ferries - McInroy's Point, Gourock

A breezy day today but the sunshine kept us bright.

Here are a few images of Western Ferries at work on the route from Gourock to Dunoon.

Western Ferries - Sound of Sanda

Western Ferries - Sound of Sanda

 Western Ferries - Sound of Shuna

 Western Ferries - Sound of Sanda

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

AMT Trader - Barge - Ferguson's Shipyard

This image shows the AMT Trader - in to Ferguson's Shipyard for some modifications and eventually will transport sections of the new build Aircraft Carriers from Glasgow to Rosyth.

 AMT Trader - Barge

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.