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Sunday 12 June 2011

Misty's Walk

Taking Misty for her last walk of the day wasn't quite so straightforward.

The cows were peering over the 'stile' in to our back garden.

Went back for my camera but missed the best shot, but sure you'll get the picture.

They ambled off, and Misty got her well deserved walk after showing great patience.

Langbank Calf - 12 June 2011

 Langbank Cows - 12 June 2011

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Greenock Model Boat Club - Open Day 2011

It was the Greenock Boat Club's 'Open Day' today, which I discovered by chance as I drove past a banner display.

Here are  few images to peruse.

Greenock Model Boat Club Open Day - Flying Phantom - 12 June 2011

 Greenock Model Boat Club Open Day - Topaz - 12 June 2011

 Greenock Model Boat Club Open Day - Port Garth -12 June 2011

Greenock Model Boat Club Open Day - Brackengarth - 12 June 2011

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

The Royal Scotsman Tour

A Royal Scotsman tour arrived in Wemyss Bay today.

Not a cheap excursion this, but nice to see the diesel locos at work on this line.

 Flying Scotsman - Class 57 - Number 57001 - 12 June 2011

 Flying Scotsman - Class 57 - Number 57001 - 12 June 2011

 Flying Scotsman Carriage Interior - 12 June 2011

 Flying Scotsman - Class 57 - Number 57001 - 12 June 2011

 Flying Scotsman -  Diesel, Electric, Class 37/5 - Number 37676 - 12 June 2011

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.