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Friday 16 September 2011

Queen Mary 2 Departs Greenock - with Firework Display

Well she set off on the next leg of her tour at around 20:30, after enjoying a spectacular fireworks display accompanied by classical music.

Queen Mary 2 - Departing in the Night

 Queen Mary 2 - Firework Display - Greenock Esplanade

 Queen Mary 2 - Firework Display - Greenock Esplanade

 Queen Mary 2 - Firework Display - Greenock Esplanade

 Queen Mary 2 - Firework Display - Greenock Esplanade

Queen Mary 2 - Firework Display - Greenock Esplanade

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Queen Mary 2 - Greenock Visit

The world's largest cruise liner - QM2  - arrived in Greenock this morning.

We could all have done with some better weather, but hey ho, it's Greenock in September.

I was very kindly hosted aboard on of our local Svitzer tugs - 'Svitzer Milford' - so my sincere thanks to them for their kind offer.

 Queen Mary 2 - Greenock Ocean Terminal

 Queen Mary 2 - Arriving at Greenock Esplanade

Cruise Ship - Queen Mary 2 - Off Esplanade

Cruise Ship - Queen Mary 2 - Off Esplanade

 Queen Mary 2 - Moored at Greenock Ocean Terminal

 Queen Mary 2 - Off Greenock Esplanade

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Svitzer Milford - Tug - Day Aboard

I was extended a very kind invitation to meet and greet the 'Queen Mary 2' arrival aboard the Svitzer tug - 'Svitzer Milford'

I could hardly resist and had a great time with the management and crew, who were very helpful and friendly throughout.

 The Skipper Concentrates As We Head Out To The River

Svitzer Milford Bridge

 Negotiating the Entrance to the James Watt Dock

Management and Crew in the Wheelhouse

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