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Sunday 16 October 2011

PS Waverley - Last Greenock Call of the Year

I managed a run to Greenock to catch the PS Waverley as she arrived for her last stop before heading to Glasgow for the final time this year.

She was quite late and the light was fading fast, so pleased that I managed a few usable images.

 PS Waverley - Custom House Quay Stop Before the Last Trip to Glasgow

 PS Waverley - Late Evening Call at Custom House Quay

 PS Waverley - Photographers of All Ages Enjoy

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Custom House Quay in the Evening Light - Greenock

Photos taken prior to the Waverley arrival, and then after she departed to Glasgow.

A cold night but nevertheless rewarding.

 Evening View from Custom House Quay, Greenock

 Custom House Quay - Greenock

 Custom House in the Evening Light - Greenock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

HMS Bulwark and Seaking Helicopters

HMS Bulwark carried out a few exercises today with Seakings as she lay off Roseneath Point on the River Clyde.

 HMS Bulwark (L15) - Seaking Landing

 HMS Bulwark (L15) - Off Roseneath

 HMS Bulwark (L15) - Second Seaking Arrives

 HMS Bulwark (L15) - Off Roseneath

 HMS Bulwark (L15) - Off Roseneath with Helicopters

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

PS Waverley - Final Cruise of the Season

Today was the PS Waverley's last cruise of the season.

The sun shone, the crowds turned out, and sadly even some had to be turned away.

We look forward to seeing her in the new year when she returns to the Clyde for another season's excursions.

  PS Waverley - Arriving at  Custom House Quay

   PS Waverley - Berthing at  Custom House Quay

   PS Waverley - Very Busy Today

  PS Waverley - All Aboard

   PS Waverley - Custom House Quay, Greenock

   PS Waverley - Off We Go

 PS Waverley - Departs Custom House Quay

  PS Waverley - On Her Way to Largs

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.