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Tuesday 18 October 2011

James Watt Dock Today

With the sun finally breaking through his afternoon I was keen to get a few images under my belt.

Very cold in the wind, but being nice and bright, I dropped in to James Watt Dock on my way home.

Crane - James Watt Dock

 Ayton Cross Berthing - James Watt Dock

 Anglegarth - James Watt Dock

 Ayton Cross - James Watt Dock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Ormesby Cross - Svitzer Tug

 The Svitzer tug 'Ormesby Cross' is currently in Greenock - I believe assisting as a temporary measure before she returns South.

Here are a few images of her in action from today as she returned to the James Watt Dock from a job in Hunterston.

Ormesby Cross Arriving at James Watt Dock

 Ormesby Cross - Wheelhouse

 Ormesby Cross - Canting - James Watt Dock

 Ormesby Cross - James Watt Dock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.