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Saturday 12 November 2011

River Clyde Activity Today in Nice Sunshine

A nice sunny day today - so grabbed a few images near the waterfront of the Clyde.

 Ferries in Garvel Dry Dock for Winter Maintenance - Greenock

 Uphusen - Off Custom House Quay - Greenock

Motor Cruiser with Cold Passengers - James Watt Dock

  Uphusen - Off Custom House Quay - Heading to Glasgow

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Bird Wildlife in Greenock - Tufted Ducks

A few more images from my walk today.

 Tufted Duck - Murdieston Dam 

 Tufted Duck - Murdieston Dam - Saluting or Scratching - You Decide

 Tufted Duck - Murdieston Dam

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Bird Wildlife in Greenock - Swans

A walk around Murdieston Dam in Greenock in a nice sunny day helped me get a few wildlife images for my galleries.
 Swan - Murdieston Dam

Swan - Murdieston Dam

 Swan Stretching - Murdieston Dam

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.