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Monday 30 April 2012

PS Waverley and Balmoral

The PS Waverley and the Balmoral left the Garvel Dry Dock having completed their external maintenance work.

They left later than expected in a biting cold wind and with the light fading.

PS Waverley went to Custom House Quay and Balmoral to the James Watt Dock.

Balmoral As The Dock as Flooded - Garvel Dry Dock

 PS Waverley and Beaver Bay - Garvel Dry Dock

PS Waverley with Biter and Beaver Bay - Garvel Dry Dock

Beaver Bay - Garvel Dry Dock

Biter - Garvel Dry Dock

 PS Waverley - Garvel Dry Dock

Balmoral - Entering James Watt Dock

Balmoral - Garvel Dry Dock
Balmoral - Entering James Watt Dock 

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Inverclyde Travels

Another nice sunny day today - again it could be warmer.

Quick shot of our cat - and wish he would stand still for two seconds.

Then later up to the cemetery at Greenock.

Down to the Esplanade for an ice cream, and rounded off the day at Murdieston Dam.

Skipper - Our Garden
 War Memorial - Greenock Cemetery

 War Memorial - Greenock Cemetery

 Yacht 'Still Smiling' - Greenock Esplanade

Nesting Swan - Murdieston Dam
Nesting Swan - Murdieston Dam

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Erskine Bridge

Went up to Erskine this afternoon to catch a few pics of the tanker 'Nordic Copenhagen' as she went upriver to Glasgow.

The sun shone nicely - if a bit cold.

Erskine Bridge

 Below Erskine Bridge

 Swan - Erskine Bridge

 Nordic Copenhagen - Erskine Bridge

Nordic Copenhagen - Erskine Slip
 Swan - Erskine Bridge

 Nordic Copenhagen - Passing Erskine Bridge

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Friday 27 April 2012

St Andrews

Went for a day trip to St Andrews with two of my sons - Kevin and Fraser.

Nice weather on arrival but clouded over as the day went on.

Rewarded with  a few nice images.

 View from St Rule’s Tower

 Heron - St Andrews Harbour

 Cathedral - St Andrews

Cathedral - St Andrews

 Cathedral Wall - St Andrews - 27 April 2012

 Cathedral - St Andrews

 John Knox - St Andrews Castle

 Cathedral - St Andrews

 Cathedral - St Andrews

St Andrews Castle

Beach - St Andrews

Church Cross - St Andrews

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Aarti Prem - Departing

Aarti Prem - the large cargo ship berthed at Inchgreen fitting out quay for repair work left this afternoon.

She is en route to Bremerhaven,  I assume to resume her normal work.

 Aarti Prem - Departing River Clyde

Aarti Prem - Departing Inchgreen Repair Quay
 Aarti Prem - Off Port Glasgow

 Aarti Prem - Port Glasgow

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Sunday 22 April 2012

While waiting for the steam train today I managed to get a few images of the surrounding scenery.

You can see why this scenic route got the best railway journey award accolade.

Go Scotland .......

 Scottish Scenery - Crianlarich

Scottish Scenery - Crianlarich

 Scottish Scenery with Rainbow - Crianlarich

 Scottish Scenery - Near Tyndrum

 Scottish Scenery - Near Tyndrum

 Scottish Scenery - Near Tyndrum

Scottish Scenery - Near Tyndrum 

Uphill - Near Tyndrum (Mobile Shot)

 Heighlan Coo - Near Tyndrum (Mobile Shot)

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

West Highland Line - The Great Marquess

Today saw the first steam train of the season head to Fort William.

This was the 'Great Britain V' tour with the Great Marquess - 61994 - locomotive pulling.

She had a few difficulties before she arrived at Crianlarich.

I believe the problem was with the coal as the locomotive was fine and steps were taken to rectify before she departed Crianlarich - about an hour late.

After braving a trek to the hills beyond Tyndrum a few images were taken as she crossed the viaduct.

 The Great Marquess (61994) - Approaching Crianlarich

 The Great Marquess (61994) - Approaching Crianlarich

 The Great Marquess (61994) - Crianlarich Station

  The Great Marquess (61994) - Crianlarich Station

 All Abroad the Great Marquess (61994) - Crianlarich Station
  The Great Marquess (61994) - Crossing the Viaduct

 The Great Marquess (61994) - Heading to Fort William

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.