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Sunday 22 April 2012

While waiting for the steam train today I managed to get a few images of the surrounding scenery.

You can see why this scenic route got the best railway journey award accolade.

Go Scotland .......

 Scottish Scenery - Crianlarich

Scottish Scenery - Crianlarich

 Scottish Scenery with Rainbow - Crianlarich

 Scottish Scenery - Near Tyndrum

 Scottish Scenery - Near Tyndrum

 Scottish Scenery - Near Tyndrum

Scottish Scenery - Near Tyndrum 

Uphill - Near Tyndrum (Mobile Shot)

 Heighlan Coo - Near Tyndrum (Mobile Shot)

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

West Highland Line - The Great Marquess

Today saw the first steam train of the season head to Fort William.

This was the 'Great Britain V' tour with the Great Marquess - 61994 - locomotive pulling.

She had a few difficulties before she arrived at Crianlarich.

I believe the problem was with the coal as the locomotive was fine and steps were taken to rectify before she departed Crianlarich - about an hour late.

After braving a trek to the hills beyond Tyndrum a few images were taken as she crossed the viaduct.

 The Great Marquess (61994) - Approaching Crianlarich

 The Great Marquess (61994) - Approaching Crianlarich

 The Great Marquess (61994) - Crianlarich Station

  The Great Marquess (61994) - Crianlarich Station

 All Abroad the Great Marquess (61994) - Crianlarich Station
  The Great Marquess (61994) - Crossing the Viaduct

 The Great Marquess (61994) - Heading to Fort William

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.