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Saturday 12 May 2012

Greenock - On the Clyde

It's been a hectic day for sure, but managed down to catch a bit of movement on the river this evening.

Caribbean Princess departing a little late due to a passenger delay.

Then the Saimaagracht arrived to take her berth at the Greenock Ocean Terminal.

 Caribbean Princess - Departing to Southampton

 Caribbean Princess - Off Greenock Esplanade

Caribbean Princess - Departing Greenock

Saimaagracht - Approaching Greenock Ocean Terminal

Windsurfer - Off Greenock Esplanade

 Saimaagracht - Off Greenock Esplanade

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

62005 - Heading to Fort William

A trip over to Helensburgh to catch the steam train heading to Fort William.

Second attempt as she was delayed earlier in the week.

62005 - Taking on Water at Craigendoran
 62005 - Craigendoran

 62005 - Helensburgh Station

62005 - Helensburgh Station
62005 - Helensburgh Station
62005 - Approaching Helensburgh Station
62005 - Blowing Steam at Helensburgh Station

62005 - Waiting on Token at Helensburgh Station 

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

RRS James Cook

 Well as I was up and about I waited on the 'James Cook' to pass on her way up to Glasgow.

She is a Royal Research Vessel built in 2006.

Owned by the 'Natural Environmental Research Council' she undertakes scientific surveys worldwide.

 RRS James Cook - Passing Greenock

RRS James Cook - Off East India Harbour
RRS James Cook - Off East India Harbour
RRS James Cook - Off East India Harbour
 RRS James Cook - Passing Port Glasgow

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Caribbean Princess - Cruise Ship

I'm either slightly insane, very keen, or dedicated.

Up before sunrise this morning and down to a cold Esplanade in Greenock to get a few images of the Caribbean Princess as she arrived for her first visit to the Clyde.

Met up with Thomas - one of my friends from the ShipAIS forum so at least I had some company.

She arrived from Dublin and should depart for Southampton at about 17:00 tonight.

 Cruise Ship - Caribbean Princess - Arrives at Greenock Esplanade

 Cruise Ship - Caribbean Princess - Off Greenock Esplanade

 Cruise Ship - Caribbean Princess - Off Greenock Esplanade
Caribbean Princess - Canting Off Greenock Esplanade

Caribbean Princess -Berthing

 Cruise Ship - Caribbean Princess - Greenock Ocean Terminal

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.