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Wednesday 16 May 2012

Swans with Cygnets

I've been watching for the cygnets to arrive. A few days late and not the best of light - but the swans are charming with their cygnets.

Family love for sure.

These were taken at both of the Murdieston Dams in Greenock.
Swan and Cygnets - Murdieston Dam

 Swan and Cygnets - Murdieston Dam

 Swan and Cygnets - Murdieston Dam

Swan and Cygnets - Murdieston Dam

Swans and Cygnets - Murdieston Dam
Swans and Cygnets - Murdieston Dam
Cygnet - Murdieston Dam

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Fure Nord - Tanker Berthing

The 'Fure Nord'  arriving at Rothesay Dock near Glasgow.

She was safely berthed with the aid of the tugs.

Nice bright sunshine in between showers but still unseasonably cold.

 Fure Nord - Off Rothesay Dock

Ayton Cross Assisting Fure Nord - Off Rothesay Dock

Bruiser leads Fure Nord with Ayton Cross taking up the rear - Off Rothesay Dock

Fure Nord
 Tug Bruiser - Well Keeled Over

Fure Nord - In Rothesay Dock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.