Blog Pages

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Heading Home

Last update from today as we headed home from Hunterston.

Got a few photos as we made our way back upriver to the James Watt Dock.

 Departing Hunterston

Cloch from the Anglegarth Tug - River Clyde


 Enforcer - Greenock Ocean Terminal

Enforcer - Greenock Ocean Terminal
 Enforcer - Greenock Ocean Terminal

 Greenock from the River - Custom House Quay

 James Watt Dock Entrance
More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Cape Maria - Hunterston Arrival

Part two of today's Blog sees the Cape Maria arrive at Hunterston.

She was then expertly berthed by the Svitzer tugs.

 Cape Maria - Hunterston Bound

 Cape Maria - We're Catching Up

 Cape Maria - Getting Closer

 Cape Maria - Close Enough?

 Cape Maria - Connected

In Control 

 Cape Maria - Svitzer Milford Does Her Stuff 

Ayton Cross - Pushing Hard
 Cape Maria and Ayton Cross - Hunterston

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Stella Ada - Tugs at Work

An early start as I arose at 03:39 to dress, breakfast, pop in to Tesco to pick up some buns, then head to the James Watt Dock where the Svitzer tug 'Anglegarth' awaited my arrival.

Safely aboard we proceeded down river to Hunterston and I was hopeful the weather may improve and we get some better light.

Sadly this wasn't to be as it stayed very dull and the rain persisted in hanging around just enough to catch the camera lens.

This is the first Blog from today and more will follow.

A big thanks go to the Svitzer personnel (you know who you are) who made this trip possible, and who went out of their way to make me part of the crew for the day, and to set me up for my shots.

Anglegarth Leaving Greenock Early Morning

Stella Ada and Jolanta - Hunterson

Stella Ada - Hunterson

 Stella Ada with Anglegarth Getting Prepared to Pull

Svitzer Milford Securing for Pull

 Stella Ada - Off the Berth at Hunterson

 Stella Ada - Hunterson


 Anglegarth - River Clyde

Anglegarth's Galley Where Coffees Were Made

Stella Ada - Departing

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.