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Sunday 21 October 2012

PS Waverley On Her Final Cruise of 2012 Season

The paddle steamer 'PS Waverley' returned to the Clyde late on Saturday night after experiencing bad weather down South.

As today was her last cruise of the season she was very busy and the weather was kind to those that chose to sail.

I met her at Greenock as she arrived in the early - (but dark) - evening.

Her are some images before she departed to head to Glasgow for the winter.

PS Waverley On Her Final Cruise of this Season Approaching Custom House Quay

PS Waverley - Custom House Quay
 PS Waverley On Her Final Cruise of this Season

 PS Waverley On Her Final Cruise - Custom House Quay

 PS Waverley On Her Final Cruise of this Season - Custom House Quay

 PS Waverley On Her Final Cruise of this Season - Custom House Quay

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Sunset at Custom House Quay in Greenock

Taking advantage of a little free time while awaiting the arrival of the PS Waverley.

Light was nice so here are a few images to enjoy from that tranquil evening.

 'Spirit of Fairbridge' as Sun Sets

Custom House Quay Sunset

 Custom House Quay in the Evening

 Autumn Evening at Greenock Custom House Quay

 Sunset from Custom House Quay

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Yasa Unsal Sunar - Bulk Carrier

Here are a few images of the 'Yasa Unsal Sunar' as she headed out to sea.

She is seen here passing Port Glasgow on a nice autumn afternoon.
Yasa Unsal Sunar and tug Ayton Cross
 Yasa Unsal Sunar

 Yasa Unsal Sunar

 Yasa Unsal Sunar

 Yasa Unsal Sunar and tug Anglegarth

Yasa Unsal Sunar

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Greenock and District Model Railway Club

 The Greenock and District Model Railway Club held their annual show a little earlier this year.

They also changed the venue from the Town Hall of previous years, to the Lyle Kirk in Union Street.

Personally I preferred the new location - all felt a bit more intimate and friendly - with the layouts seeming a bit closer.

I'm sure a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to ensure that the event is such a success.

I'm sure that the many visitors had an enjoyable time, went away with good memories, and no doubt now looking forward to next year.


Billboard on 'Craiglang' Layout

'Isa' is at the Queue Front

Kids Adore 'Thomas the Tank' Layout

The 'Ayr' Team with their Layout

 The 'Ayr' Team with their Layout

 Model Exhibits

Calum at the Stand 3 Layout

Mike Converses with a Visitor

 War Games Layout

The Craiglang Layout

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.