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Saturday 27 October 2012

West Highland Railway Line - Tour Train

Knowing it would be dark before this steam tour arrived in my own neck of the woods, headed North.

Most of the images are in Crianlarich station when the locomotives stopped for about an hour to take water before continuing on their journey.

Didn't count the carriages but it was a long train and a class 47 diesel took up the rear.

As always we hope for better light but the day was fairly dismal ending in rain before it arrived at Arrochar en-route to her destination.

Heading to Crianlarich Station
44871 - Crianlarich Station
 44871 in Crianlarich Station

 45407 at Crianlarich Station

Crianlarich Station
 44871 in Crianlarich Station

 44871 and 45407 Taking Water at Crianlarich Station

44871 and 45407 Taking Water at Crianlarich Station

Arrochar and Tarbet Station

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Stirlingshire Views

Chasing steam trains today on the West Highland Line.

Not the best light and getting in to winter temperatures, but wanted to capture some images while in the area.

I can only say that among all the beautiful countries in the world, Scotland is right up there with our wonderful hills and scenery.

 Looking down from the A82 Road

 Stirlingshire Scenery

 Stirlingshire Scenery
  Stirlingshire Moors

 Stirlingshire Scenery
Near Tyndrum

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.