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Sunday 31 March 2013

MV Rover - Sunday Ferry Service

Clyde Marine are providing a Sunday ferry service between Gourock and Kilcreggan starting today.

The usual ferry company - Clydelink - have opted not to provide this service on a Sunday.

This has been a controversial service since Clyde Marine lost the contract for the route, with Clydelink coming under criticism on a number of fronts.

MV Rover in her new colour scheme - white - looked very smart at first, but she is already showing signs of scuffs making her look a bit untidy.

Perhaps white was a poor choice.

A few years back the MV Cruiser changed her scheme to light blue but that only lasted one season - I suspect for similar reasons.

MV Rover Returns from Sunday Ferry Service

MV Rover Returns from Sunday Ferry Service 

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Another Walk with Maya - Langbank

A couple of images of Maya before we head out for one of her walks this evening.

The remainder are taken on her walk and the return. 

 Something Has My Attention

Are You Looking at Me?


 Sun Setting

 Looking Back

 Maya and 'Her' Ponies

 View Over the Clyde

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Thursday 28 March 2013

A Few from the River Clyde Today

Grabbed a few shots in the East India Harbour, and Victoria Harbour on my way home today.

After a late lunch I realised that the 'MV Hebrides' was inbound, so took a chance and headed back to Greenock.

She berthed at James Watt Dock in nice sunshine, albeit still a bitingly cold wind persists at the moment.

Pilot Cutter 'Cloch' in East India Harbour

Pilot Cutter 'Cloch' in East India Harbour

Second Snark in Her New 'White' Scheme in Victoria Harbour

MV Hebrides Approaches James Watt Dock

Tug 'Battler' Canting the 'MV Hebrides' 

'MV Hebrides' 

Tug 'Battler' Assisting the 'MV Hebrides' 

 Tug 'Battler' Assisting the 'MV Hebrides'

 'Battler' Departing James Watt Dock after berthing the 'MV Hebrides'

'SD Impulse' with Her New White Superstructure in James Watt Dock
'MV Hebrides'  in James Watt Dock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Walking Maya in Greenock

I took Maya a walk above the Greenock cut and played around with the wee Olympus to see how it performed.

The lack of weight is good for sure, but I miss my viewfinder.

Still, it proves I can get reasonable shots and no worries on lugging heavy gear around on the walks.

Greenock Hills - Near the Cut
Greenock Hills - Near the Cut
Greenock Reservoir
Greenock Hills - Still Some Snow
Greenock Hills - Near the Cut
Greenock Hills - Near the Cut

 Greenock Hillside

 Greenock Hillside

Greenock Hills - Looking Down to the Cut
Greenock Hills - Above the Cut

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Winter in Spring

 The cold snap continues and the East wind is as bitter as ever.

Usual walks with Maya today and our friends - the ponies - came to meet and greet us and partake of a biscuit or two.

Popped to Greenock for shopping in the afternoon and got a few pics of the SD Impulse in dry dock.

She now sports the white superstructre adopted by Serco for their fleet.

Still prefer the buff myself.

 Coming for Biscuits

Friendly Ponies

Bitter Cold for Spring

 SD Impulse - Garvel Dry Dock

SD Impulse - Garvel Dry Dock

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Langbank in the Snow

A day for staying at home and walking the dog with the blustery and biting East winds.

Also a chance to try out my 'new' Olympus camera bought from Ebay as a 'walk around' rather than carry expensive heavy gear on my walks.

Looking  Back Towards the Houses as We Climb the Hill

 Snow Getting Blown by the Gusting Winds

 Maya Waits Patiently

 Snow Getting Kicked Up by the Winds.

Looking Desolate

 Snow Transforms the Scene

Dark and Moody

Poor Sheep on the Hill with no Shelter

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

MV Finnarrow Leaves Inchgreen Dry Dock

Previously covered in an earlier post, MV Finnarrow has now completed her repair work and this evening she exited the Inchgreen dry dock.

I understand she was originally to head straight out to sea and go to Belgium.

Instead she berthed at the repair quay, but I would expect she will depart in the next day or two.

MV Finnarrow Preparing to Exit Inchgreen Dry Dock

MV Finnarrow Exiting Inchgreen Dry Dock

Anglegarth Assisting MV Finnarrow

 Anglegarth in Inchgreen Dry Dock to Assist MV Finnarrow Exit

MV Finnarrow Working Crew

Bruiser Pushes MV Finnarrow Outside Inchgreen Dry Dock

Bruiser Assists MV Finnarrow Outside Inchgreen Dry Dock 

MV Finnarrow Heading for the Repair Quay

MV Finnarrow Heading for the Repair Quay

MV Finnarrow Exits Inchgreen Dry Dock from Dougie Coull on Vimeo.

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.