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Sunday 28 April 2013

"One Year Later" - Day Two Filming

Come another day, and we find ourselves around Glasgow for the second, and final day of filming.

Another early start with a hiccup as we try to get aboard the Glenlee for the first scenes of the day - soon resolved however.

Then across the city for some external and internal shots at St Andrews Square.

Finally, over to the south-side where we complete filming in a restaurant.

Wrapped about 20:30 - fond farewells and now it's over to the editing side for the film to be completed.

Getting Ready for Filming 


Prepping Before the Scene

Anne and Ailsa

Happy Couple 

Who's the Guest? 

 Katy and Sophie

Cast and Crew Assemble After Wrapping for the Day

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

Aboard the 'Glenlee' Tall Ship

I had a look around the 'Glenlee' tall ship in between filming today.

There have been many improvements since I last visited, and an added bonus is that it is now free to go aboard.

Well worth a visit in my opinion.

Below Decks

Below Decks

 Engine Room

Engine Room

 Below Decks

Ship's Hold

Swab Bucket


Mess Deck

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.