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Monday 31 March 2014

Final Joint Warrior Departures

Well today sees the final departures to start the Joint Warrior exercise in the North West of Scotland.

USS Samuel B Roberts being the only exception as she remains in the naval base to undergo some essential repairs.

Once again we faced the fairly strong winds with just a slight increase in temperatures.

Visibility wasn't the best - but much improved on earlier days.

So now we wish the various services a good and safe military exercise, and hope that we see one or two return to the Clyde for a debrief session. 

Time will tell if that materialises.

HNoMS Utsira Departing

 Heading to Sea

 Leaving Faslane Naval Base

 Recovering RHIB 

Ready to Repel

MOD Police Boat 'Sword' 

Farewell to HMS Dragon

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Sunday 30 March 2014

Penultimate Day of Joint Warrior Departures

Not such an early start this morning, but early enough for a Sunday morning.

Again met with a cold biting wind - seems to be the pattern for the weekend.

Expectations were that most of the vessels would depart and this proved to be the case as those at the 'tail of the bank' off Greenock left during the night and very early morning.

The ships at Faslane started to leave around 09:00 and I managed to get a few before there was a lull in traffic.

Decided to head across to the South side of the Clyde as I believed that French frigate 'FS FREMM Aquitaine' would leave around lunch time.

Popped to Braehead and caught her there - then down to Greenock for some different angles as she departed.

 USS Cole

USS Cole

 Fellow Ship Spotters and Photographers

USS Cole

USS Leyte Gulf

HNLMS Friesland

HNMLS Holland

Exiting KGV Docks

 Departing Braehead

Approaching Greenock

Heading to Sea 

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Friday 28 March 2014

Joint Warrior Arrivals to the Clyde Area

It's day two and we're expecting this to be the busiest day for arrivals.

Weather continues to dominate the proceedings with the bitter wind so wrapped up well to fend off the cold as best as possible.

Mostly the American arrivals today with the Danes taking up the rear as the final arrival of the day.

Not disappointed with the show today, well worth the effort and time at Faslane.

 USS Vella Gulf 

 USS James E William

 Crew Assembled on Deck

 Taking in the Scenery

 USS Samuel B Roberts

 USS Samuel B Roberts

USS Leyte Gulf 

 USS Leyte Gulf 

 More Sightseeing

 USS Cole

 HDMS Triton

 HDMS Triton

 Lyme Bay

Ships Berthed at Faslane

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Thursday 27 March 2014

Joint Warrior Arrivals Today

Not too much activity today but we did see a few arrivals for the first upcoming Joint Warrior military exercise of this year.

Favoured with dry weather it was still quite windy and cold.

First stop was Rhu at the Gareloch to catch HMS Bulwark arrive.

Then on down to Kilcreggan to see what may be coming upriver.

Finally across to Greenock to get a few images of the two at anchor.

Tomorrow looks to be a busier day - albeit an early start and weather forecast for more of the same.

Approaching Rhu Narrows

Bound for Faslane Naval Base

SD Resourceful and HMS Bulwark Faslane Bound

  HMS Bulwark

 HMS Bulwark and SD Resourceful

HNLMS Van Speijk passing Gourock Inbound

 HNLMS Van Speijk off Greenock Esplanade

 HMS Kent at Anchor

Scheduled to Tow Target

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Tuesday 25 March 2014

River Clyde Movements

I was out on my travels when I saw a nuclear submarine heading out to sea.

A bit of a push but just managed to get to Cloch lighthouse in time to catch her as she sped past.

Heading back home I saw Calmac's new ferry which is undergoing sea trial just now and managed to get a few images both in Gourock, and in Greenock.

Nuclear Submarine

Heading Out to Sea

Ferries in the Haze

Calmac's New Ferry

Deep in Discussion

MV Lochinvar

Bound for Port Glasgow

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Monday 24 March 2014

Activity Prior to Joint Warrior Exercise

Popped over to the Gareloch as it was rumoured we may see some activity prior to the Joint Warrior military exercise.

The tanker 'Excello' was discharging fuel - in preparation for the warships that would refuel before leaving for the exercise.

Two minesweepers arrived and made their way up the Gareloch to Faslane.

Although dry and very sunny I was just about blown off my feet with the strong wind.

Mission accomplished I headed home knowing I would be returning soon for more arrivals.


 Unusual Funnel - Tanker Excello

 Mine-hunters Arrive

 Belgian Ship - Bellis


Bound for Faslane

Dutch Minesweeper


 Passing Rhu Narrows

Bound for Faslane Naval Base

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