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Sunday 27 April 2014

A Day on the Forth Circle Railway Line

A first time visit to the Forth Circle railway line.

Intention was to get some images of the fantastic A4 class steam locomotive 'Union of South Africa' - number 60009.

Arrived in good time so popped down to Bo'ness first, but she had departed earlier than scheduled.

Lucky to get a shot of the'Morayshire' in her new black livery - good result.

Then on to the original destination of Linlithgow for the start of the rail-tour morning run.

Spoiled at the station as a Scot Rail diesel unit arrived just before 60009 and sat long enough to prevent any worthwhile shots.

Headed over the Forth Road Bridge and on down to Culdross where some useful shots were taken.

Weather was holding but visibility not too great. But I'll take a dry day any time.

Back across the Forth and up to Polmont station and got a few images as she went through.

A bit of luck as stumbled upon Dalmeny Junction where 60009 was taking water - another result.

Hurried across the Forth Road Bridge again and got a few shots as she passed over the Forth Rail Bridge.

Then on down to Culdross again to get some images as she thundered past Culdross for a second time.

A long but worthwhile day and will definitely return and be more knowledgable on the locations next time.

'Morayshire' in Her New Black Livery

Robert at Bo'ness Station

 Approaching Culdross

Approaching Polmont Station

Over the Forth Rail Bridge

 On the Forth Rail Bridge

 Approaching Culdross

Passing Culdross

Approaching Polmont

 Leaving Linlithgow

 Tender Work

 Dalmeny Junction

Shovelling Coal

 Taking Water

At Dalmeny

Culdross Shoreline

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Friday 18 April 2014

A Busy Garvel and James Watt Dock

After yesterday's postponement the Garvel dry dock today saw the MV Finlaggan and the SD Warden exit, and the Burhou I come in for maintenance.

It was a great day and almost looked tropical, and the temperatures were fair giving some warmth in the sunshine.

This was reflected in the number of people who appeared to watch the comings and goings around the docks.

Nice to see as it is their heritage, even though the river is quiet by the standards of yesteryear.

 Bruiser assists the MV Finlaggan

Enjoying the Sun on the Finlaggan

 Sliding in to the James Watt Dock

Deck Crew

 Battler Takes the Stern

 Red Hats

The Finlaggan Safely Berthed - the Bruiser Now Departs

Tugs heading Back to Victoria Harbour

SD Warden Exists the Garvel

Outward Bound for Sea Trials

Displaying Her new Colour Scheme

Off We Go

'Burhou I' Arriving

Entering the Garvel Dry Dock

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Friday 11 April 2014

Hampshire II - Superyacht

Hampshire II arrived in Greenock today and should be here for about seventeen days. She will have a crew change while she is berthed at the James Watt Dock.

Classed as a Superyacht, Hampshire II was built by Royal van Lent and was delivered 2012.

She was designed by Redman Whitely Dixon, and is owned by Jim Ratcliffe.

He is founder and CEO of Ineos, one of the largest petrochemical companies in the world and owner of the Grangemouth facility.

Berthed in James Watt Dock

Sleek Lines

Luxurious and Well Appointed

Looking Elegant

Stern View

Hampshire II

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KNM Thor Heyerdahl Arrives on the Clyde

The Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen class frigate 'KNM Thor Heyerdahl' was an early morning arrival today and passed Greenock around 07:20.

She then headed up to the KGV docks in Glasgow where she was safely berthed with the assistance of the tugs Battler and Bruiser.

Passing Greenock

 Glasgow Bound

At Langbank

Bruiser Prepares to Assist

 Passing Yarrows Shipyard

 Preparing for Berthing

Approaching KGV Docks

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Tuesday 8 April 2014

Clyde River Pilots at Work

This evening was an opportunity to witness first hand one of the Clyde Pilots at work.

We start funnily enough at the final destination to park the cars ready for when we berth the ship.

Then a taxi ride to the small boat harbour at the end of Greenock Esplanade.

The pilot cutter awaits our arrival with engines running and after completing the necessary paperwork we quickly embark.

Then it's out to meet the Spanish registered 'Medal' and board her via the rope ladder. Thankfully the weather is kind today and all goes to plan.

After introductions to the ship's captain the Pilot takes command of the vessel as we head for No 1 buoy and enter the channel.

We meet a number of ships that are outbound as we progress up towards Renfrew where the cargo of scrap waits to be loaded.

As we arrive at Renfrew the small tug 'Biter' greets us and is available for assistance as necessary.

The dock at Christie's scrapyard is very tight and it's a 90 degree turn to line up for entry.

The necessary manoeuvres are carried out in a slick manner and we enter the dock with ease.

Ropes are made fast and the gangway is attached to allow us to disembark after exchanging goodbyes with the captain and crew.

A thoroughly enjoyable experience and I feel privileged to have witness the process from start to finish.

Departing the Small Boat Harbour in Greenock

Heading out to Meet the 'Medal'

Happy in my Work

Closing in on the 'Medal'

Passing Victoria Harbour

'Neptune' Outward Bound

Approaching 'Garvel Bend'

Port Glasgow Coming Up

'Aasvik' Passes US in the Channel

Leaving Port Glasgow in Our Wake

The Sharp End

Concentration Required

Dunglass Light

Passing Erskine

Modern Ship's Bridge

Passing Clydebank


Bridge Instruments

Rothesay Dock

Tug - Biter

Almost Safely Berthed

Berthing at Lobnitz

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