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Sunday 29 June 2014

Sunny Sunday River Clyde

Not too early a start this morning as the scheduled cruise ship 'Discovery' was not an early bird.

She arrived in warm sunshine looking splendid against the backdrop of the Cowal hills.

She was soon safely berthed at the Greenock Ocean Terminal.

I popped back later in the afternoon to capture her departure along with some other shots of passing ships.

Arriving in Warm Sunshine at Greenock

 Pilot Cutter 'Toward'

 Arklow Fame

 Arriving at Ocean Terminal

 Lift Off

 Yacht Mulberry

 Canting off the Esplanade


 Passengers Enjoy the Sunshine on Deck

 Departing Greenock


Outward Bound

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Saturday 28 June 2014

Kinneil House

So after the visit to the Kelpies it was on to Bo'ness for a visit to Kinneil House.

The house is only open four times a year and contains some artwork on the internal walls.

Sadly I can't show the interior as the staff were insistent that taking photographs was verboten.

I explained that my cameras had no flash but it was a firm and blanket no. Notices inside clearly stated no 'flash' photography and I would of course respected this, so very disappointed with the lack of flexibility shown.

Being a member of Historic Scotland I always praise the friendliness of the staff but not on this occasion - voluntary staff may explain the differences.

However, I would highly praise the lady who gave the presentation inside as she explained the history and the story of the 'white lady'. 

Kinneil House

Church Graveyard

Forest Walk

Church Remains



 James Watt's Cottage and Workshop

 Beneath the Viaduct

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The Kelpies - Helix Park

Today was a long awaited visit to the East coast with the Kelpies very much in mind.

Their history is well documented so I'll keep this brief.

Created by the sculptor Andy Scott the theme of the Kelpies was from ancient ethereal water spirits and mystical water-borne equine creatures .

They reflect the mythological transforming beasts possessing the strength and endurance of ten horses.

It was a very pleasant walk around the park and I had the added bonus that Zippos circus were having and event to combine the Kelpies with their performing horses.

Towering Supreme and Reflective

Adopted Postures

Pointing Skywards

Idea of the Scale

Zippos Circus Join In

Zippos Circus Join In

Canal and Park


Looking Down

Canal Boat and Kelpies

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Thursday 26 June 2014

Cruise Ship 'Louis Aura' at Greenock

An additional cruise ship - 'Louis Aura' - was added to the list to visit Greenock, so down to the Esplanade to get a few photos.

Arrived on time and the weather was fair.

Dropped back down again in the evening as she departed on her next passage to Belfast.

She departed at around18:20 - a little later than expected.

Arriving at Greenock

 Off the Esplanade



Berthing at Greenock Ocean Terminal

Off Greenock Ocean Terminal

 Couple Photographing the Departure

Off Greenock Esplanade

 Outward Bound

 Outward Bound

'Louis Aura' as she departs the Clyde

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Wednesday 25 June 2014

Morning Visit to the River Clyde

Early morning start as I head down to Cloch Lighthouse to get some photos of the 'AMT Trader' arriving.

She is going to Ferguson's Shipyard to get a jig fitted before continuing to Govan to take section LB03 of the aircraft carrier 'Prince of Wales' to Rosyth.

The photos show some other shipping and track her progress upriver.

Early Morning Sail

 Tug 'Sea Golf'

Battler and AMT Trader

Tugs Handing Lines Over

Tugs Handing Lines Over

Passing Greenock

 Dredger 'Causeway'

 Dredger 'Causeway'

Dredger 'Causeway'

 Ayton Cross and AMT Trader

 Bound for Port Glasgow

Crew of the AMT Trader

 Battler in Attendance

Approaching Port Glasgow Light

 Flotilla off Port Glasgow

Yard Workers

Final Berthing

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