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Thursday 30 October 2014

Glen Mallon on a Dreich Morning

Another early start to get over to Glen Mallon to get a few photographs of the RFA vessel 'Black Rover' departing to head down to Loch Striven.

The weather on the drive over was horrendous with very heavy rain so my expectations were rather negative.

However as I travelled down the road at loch Long it eased back and down to a drizzle.

Getting good images was challenging but hopefully I have managed a few.

Heading back down the loch road I encountered a contingency of Dutch marines who have been here for about a month carrying out various exercises.

A few photos of them and some of their equipment rounded off my morning before heading home.

Waiting on the Tugs

Coming Off the Jetty

Ready to Depart Glen Mallon

Heading Off

Transiting the Loch

Serco Tugs in Attendance

 Plenty Smoke

 Dutch Marine's Radio Transport


Dutch Marine's Truck  

Ready to Get Wet

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Wednesday 29 October 2014

Day Trip to the Isle of Arran

An impulse thought yesterday afternoon - rather than go to the Trossachs tomorrow - why not the Isle of Arran in the Firth of Clyde?

A phone call to my friend Thomas who travels this route regularly and the plan was complete.

I met Thomas at the ferry terminal in Ardrossan and we boarded the 09:45 ferry.

My first trip on the 'Caledonian Isles' so that was a bonus.

We had nice weather with sun to set us off, but it did deteriorate to cloud later before a last burst of sun as we headed home.

We used the bus service on the island and the drivers were very helpful and friendly. Next time I go over I'll take the car though, as needed more flexibility to stop where and when I wanted to get photographs.

A most enjoyable day and planning my next trip over already.

 Ardrossan Harbour

 Ready to Depart 

 On Our Way 

 Bound for the Isle of Arran

 Approaching Brodick Pier

'Caledonian Isles' at Brodick

Blackwaterfoot Harbour

 Kids Enjoy the Horse Ride


 Flowing Stream at Lagg

 Aptly Named

'Caledonian Isles' arriving at Brodick

 Ready to Depart

Homeward Bound

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Saturday 18 October 2014

Grangemouth Refinery

Grangemouth Refinery is a major industrial landmark in the Forth Valley.

It can't be claimed to be pretty with its numerous gas flares and cooling towers dominating the landscape.

 Through the hours of darkness it is very brightly illuminated and can be seen for miles around.

It does however produce and supply refined products to customers in Scotland and other parts of the UK.

It also provides much needed employment in the area, and is I believe the UK's second-oldest refinery.


Cooling Towers Dominate

View from Bo'ness


 Bright Lights

Blazing through the Night

 Blazing Lights

Industrial Pipes

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Bo'ness Station After Dark

After travelling around the area during daylight hours it was now time to spend some time at Bo'ness Station as the services were running in the evening.

A good - and perhaps challenging - opportunity to get some images in different lighting conditions.

 Station Entrance

'Morayshire' at the Engine Shed

 Time to Call Home

Lonely Platform

 Quiet Platform

Empty Platform

Signal Box and Platform 

'Morayshire' at the Signal Box

Waiting for the Off

Promotional Poster

Last Train Departs

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Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway Day Trip

What better way to spend the day than a visit to Bo'ness and Kinneil railway.

Some lovely sunshine and relatively warm for the time of year too.

Not too early a start either as intending to spend the evening here for some night shots.

Covered a variety of locations and enjoyed the sun while it lasted.

 'NCB No 7' with 'Blood and Custard' Coaches

'Morayshire' Approaching Kinneil Halt

 Kinneil Halt

 'NCB No 7' Approaching Kinneil Halt

 Ready to Depart

Through the Trees

'NCB No 7' Departing Birkhill

 'Morayshire' Approaching Birkhill Station

At Birkhill

 Ready to Depart Birkhill

Vintage Poster

Gearing Up

Woods Around Birkhill

Clay Mine Wagon

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