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Sunday 27 July 2014

Vintage Festival - Merchant City in Glasgow

After my time at Pacific Quay I headed across the town to the Vintage Festival in Merchant City.

The festivals at Merchant City are always vibrant and fun though I was a little later in getting here than planned.

The Kennedy Cupcakes very kindly posed for me, and then I had the pleasure of watching them perform to the sound of the big band era.

Hair and Beauty Salon

 Hair and Beauty Salon

 Kennedy Cupcakes

 In the Mood

 Low Kicks

 Audience Participation

Having Fun

Cake Dance

 Hair Salon


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Pacific Quay - Glasgow

After the Marathon I went West to Pacific Quay to savour the events there.

HMS Bangor was open to the public and the crew were excellent in their hospitality.

BBC Scotland had much in the way of entertainment and I had lunch in their cafeteria.

Then it was back in to town with the crowds thronging their way over the Squinty Bridge and heading for their various destinations.

 'St Mungo 1' Fire Boat

 Bridge on HMS Bangor

HMS Bangor

  HMS Bangor

Sailing Vessels

Commonwealth Flotilla Heads Home

Commonwealth Flotilla at Pacific Quay

Hose Fun on the HMS Bangor

 Mock Diver

Mobile Band

Playtime on the River

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Glasgow Commonwealth Games Marathons

Another trip in to Glasgow today and the first item on my agenda was to get some photographs of the Marathon.

Early start for a Sunday, and the train was packed with excited people and families as they headed in to see their favourite sports.

A good feel about the town again, and I tried three locations to vary my shots.

Men's Marathon Runners

John Leonard Karori

Men's Marathon Runners 

Jean Pierre Mvuyekure

 Jean Pierre Mvuyekure

Mohammed Kassim

 Women's Marathon Runners

 Amy Whitehead

Men's Marathon Runners

 Men's Marathon Runners

Men's Marathon Runners

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