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Monday 31 August 2015

Ferguson Marine - preferred bidder for Ferries Contract

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visited Ferguson Marine at Port Glasgow this morning.

She toured the facility and engaged with the the workers showing a keen interest in the building of the current ferry on the slipway.

She then announced to the management and workers that they were the preferred bidder for the contract to build two new Caledonian MacBrayne ferries.

First  Minister Nicola Sturgeon arriving at Ferguson Marine Shipyard

 First  Minister Nicola Sturgeon engages with Workers

 Nicola Sturgeon and Yard Owner Jim McColl

Nicola Sturgeon Looks on as Welding Progresses

Welding in Progress

 Hats Off


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Sunday 30 August 2015

Strathaven Balloon Festival - 2015

Once again it was a well worthwhile trip to Strathaven to see the Balloons in flight.

The organisers and staff were both friendly and helpful.

The balloonists were cheerful and accommodating, and the morning and evening events were fantastic.

Hope you enjoy the images and I can recommend this event if you are able to attend next year.


Farmer and Family Get an Early Start

Safely Landed

Up and Away

Larkhall Bound

 Evening Start

 Sailing in the Sky

 Evening Preparations

Crowds Gather at the Hill

Little Boy with Big Balloon

Evening Flight

Coming Over

About to Land

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Edinburgh Military Tattoo Fireworks

After a day on the Royal Mile enjoying the Fringe Festival acts it was over to Calton Hill to take in the Military Tattoo firework display.

With some guidance on timings from a new friend while setting up, I was able to maximise my shots.

The display was very colourful and rewarding to watch - even though the night temperatures are beginning to drop.

Calton Hill

Edinburgh Castle Nicely Illuminated 

Fireworks Begin

 Nice  Show

Princess Street and Balmoral Hotel

 Fireworks Continue

 Spectacular Colours


More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2015

Well, pretty late this year but finally managed through to Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival.

It seemed a bit flat when I arrived but things soon picked up after noon.

As ever the crowds were treated to fun, entertainment, energy, and the friendliness of the participants.

A big thanks to everyone who took the time to pose - mostly with no words needed - and for those  that put some high octane energy in to their performances and made it a time to remember.

Also to those who I spoke with and made the day all the more enjoyable.

God willing I'll be back next year.

 Power of Flower

Hearts of Folk

 Telling Expression

 Hearts of Folk

Blues Brothers

Blues Brothers Cast

 'The Girl Who Fell in Love with the Moon'


Korean Soul

 Where's My Princess?

Korean Talent

 Swingerella Kisses Her Frog in Hope of a Prince

Death Actually - Complete with Fangs

 Cult - A Musical

 'Houseplay' Cast

Oliver Twist

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Friday 21 August 2015


After the hurly burly of the jets at Prestwick I decided to take the long way home via the coast road.

Opted to pop down to Portencross as I hadn't been in many a year.

It hasn't changed of course and the sun kindly shone for my walk around the area.

Here are a few images that I hope show the charm of this little gem of a place.

 View from Portencross

 Dinghies at Portencross 

 Lone Angler

 Portencross Castle

  Portencross Castle

Small Harbour

Flowers Bloom in Late August

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.