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Monday 30 November 2015

Winter Walk - Greenock Cut

A short walk up the Greenock Cut this afternoon with Maya to give her a stretch.

Nice light at this time of year - that's when the rain stops of course.

Pleased that I decided to take the camera with me on the walk.


Blink of Sun

 Winter Colours

Rainbow Trees

In Deep Water

Looking North

 Overton Cottage

Reflective Overton Cottage

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Thursday 26 November 2015

T-Class RN Submarine outbound from Faslane as the sun set.

My intended subject today was a no show due to mechanical problems.

Lucky enough to catch this submarine as she left Faslane.

Wet and murky as the sunset time approached rapidly so pleased I got a few images that I think are worthwhile.

 Serco Tugs Assist

Passing Rhu

Heading to Sea

Entourage Escorts

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Sunday 22 November 2015

Style Mile Christmas Carnival

Carnival day in Glasgow for the annual procession.

The parade set off from St Enoch at 14.30 led by the loud beating of drums.

Dancers, drummers, bands, fairies, angel,  and various street artists dressed to the nines to entertain the crowds that gathered by the roadside.

Clydesdale horses were on hand to pull the wagon with victorian style the order of the day.

There was much to be enthusiastic about as the performers gave their all as they paraded along the route.

 Before the Start

Gorgeous Clydesdales

 'Beat That'

 Carnival Procession

Snow Women

 Snow Women

 Dapper Chap

Good Fairy

Happy Elves

Kickin' High


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Monday 16 November 2015

Key Opus - Bound for Glasgow

Bulk carrier 'Key Opus' off Greenock as she heads on up to Glasgow this morning.

Lucky to miss the extreme and wintry showers - only the blustery wind to contend with as she passed.

Approaching Greenock

'Strathdon' Bound for Glasgow

Abeam of East India Harbour 

Key Opus

 Glasgow Bound

Taking the Channel

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Sunday 15 November 2015

Wet Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

The dismal rainy weather continues and tonight seems worse than ever.

The plan is to get some images as Hawick Court in Greenock is demolished in the early hours of Sunday.

To keep active before then a trip across to Clydebank to see the Titan Crane - illuminated in the colours of the French flag to pay tribute to the victims of the Paris terror attacks.

Then on up to Glasgow and a whistle stop to grab an image of the SSE Hydro similarly illuminated.

With expectations that the demolition at Greenock may begin at 02:00 rather than the anticipated 02:30 it's a quick journey down.

If anything the rain is getting heavier and at this stage I'm questioning my sanity.

Arrived at Greenock having negotiated the start of flooding on the roads - a location is decided upon and I settle in for the wait.

The time comes and goes and eventually a very kind gentleman from the housing association comes to advise there is a delay of about 45 minutes as control of the railway line has just been secured.

After more time elapses and having all but given up, eventually the first siren sounds, followed by the second siren warning, before the final warning shot is fired.

Just after 04:00 the charges are fired and Hawick Court comes tumbling to the ground and all appears to have gone to plan.

Head home after negotiating the traffic control near Pottery Street as the road is now deeply flooded - felt like I was driving through a section of the Clyde.

Then on home for coffee and toast and a bit of editing before climbing in to bed just after 06:00 - been a long day.

SSE Hydro in Glasgow

Titan Crane in Clydebank

Tears from the Sky

Awaiting Detonation

 Starting to Collapse

 Continuing Downwards

 Almost Down

Now the Dust Settles

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Saturday 7 November 2015

Inverclyde Council Fireworks

Tonight was the turn of Inverclyde Council to host their annual firework display.

The weather favoured us I'm pleased to say, dry and pleasantly not that cold for this time of year.

I haven't been to Greenock's display for a few years and was pleasantly surprised to see that this was an awesome effort.

Very pleased I made the trip down, and congratulations to Inverclyde Council on giving us such a great display.

Funfair in the Battery Park

 Bright Colours



Well Spread

Plain Awesome

 Coloured Reflections

Lovely Red

Night Sky Alight

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Wednesday 4 November 2015

Dumbarton Firework Display - 2015

It was Dumbarton's turn for their firework display this evening.

Got off to a poor start for me as unexpected rain forced me to shoot from indoors.

Mist also curtailed the view across the River Clyde.

Purely a personal opinion but I felt the display was not as good as last years - a shame as I consider this one of the better displays in out area.

Enjoyed processing the images nevertheless.

Broad Display

Mostly Green

Red and White

Intense Colours

Bright and Colourful



Up in the Air

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