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Saturday 1 August 2015

Govan on the Clyde

Having completed the tour at Fairfields it was a short drive to catch the Govan Ferry across to the North of the river.

Keen to get some photos of the section of (HMS) Prince of Wales - the aircraft carrier currently  under construction.

The section will be moved by barge to Rosyth where it will be assembled with the other section being constructed.

Arranged to go down the river on a RHIB, and thankfully was blessed with a bit of sunshine.

Aboard the Govan Ferry

 Lower Block Section Numbered Four

Barge in Position

Loading Will Take Place Overnight

 Heading Back to Base

Costa del Clyde as the Sun Shines

 Glenlee Sailing Ship

Riverside Museum and the Glenlee 

View Across from the South Side 

 Old Govan Ferry

 St Mungo - Glasgow Fire Boat

Govan Ferry - "Ellens Isle"

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Fairfield Heritage Centre

Fairfields was a major shipbuilding yard based at Govan in Glasgow.

Here luxurious ocean liners, steamers, and naval ships were built by Clydeside tradesmen for the entire world.

My uncle was a welder in the yard very many years ago.

The original yard has had many different owners and has survived to become one of only two shipyards still in operation on the Clyde today.

BAE Systems now own the yard and shipbuilding continues with naval contracts.

The main office block of the actual Fairfield yard is now separate from the BAE yard and recently underwent a major restoration programme. I hope these images give an idea of how the building looks.

Much credit goes to the volunteers who keep the facility open, and arrange tours and lectures.

 Main Office


 Stately Looking


 Preserved Office

 More Exhibits

Attentive Audience

Model Ships Line the Corridor

Stairwell and Entrance

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.