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Saturday 23 July 2016

East Fortune Air Show

Today is the East Fortune Airshow and it's off I go for some photos.

I had opted to stay outside of the show this year to get some different images, albeit I know would miss some general shots of the activities other than the flying.

I had heard good things about viewing from Traprain Law, so car duly parked the ascent was undertaken with some effort, though the climb wasn't too long.

My first sight was the Exmoor ponies and that was an unexpected joy.

As things turned out there wasn't too much in the way of aircraft coming over my way, though I can see the attraction if it were busier.

Decided to cut my losses and after the descent headed over to the show area.

As there was less than two hours remaining of the display I thought perhaps a reduced price may be on offer, but sadly that wasn't the case.

So, I found a spot where I could park and caught the tail end of the flying display, then managed a few rewarding photos.

Exmoor Ponies

 Red Arrows in Flight

 Canadian Vickers Catalina

 Bass Rock

Smoke On

Eurocopter Squirrel HT.1

 BAC 167 Strikemaster Mk.87


 Hurricane and Spitfire


 Swiss PC-7 Team


 Swiss PC-7 Team

Close Encounter


Swiss PC-7 Team

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

HMS Diamond at Glen Mallan

The Type 45 Royal Navy destroyer "HMS Diamond" arrived at Glen Mallan this morning just before noon.

She glided in smoothly in calm waters.

After berthing transfer of munitions will begin.

MOD Police Boat "Skye" 

 Approaching Glen Mallan


"Skye" Makes a Move

Crew at the Stern

 Gliding in to the Jetty



More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Monday 18 July 2016

Around the Clyde Today

A few shots from today around the the River Clyde and Gareloch.

 MOD Police Launch 'Jura'

 US Submarine with Escort Tug

 The Office

 Busy Location

Los Angeles Class Submarine Bound for Faslane

 HMS Somerset Passing Cloch Lighthouse

 Merlin HM.1 ZH861 on Deck

Outward Bound for Sea

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Saturday 16 July 2016

A Day on the River

A selection of images from activity in the River Clyde today.

Quite diverse in size and operation, and shows how busy the river can be at times.

 Aurilia Passing Port Glasgow

 Clyde Clipper Bound for Glasgow

 Bulk Carrier and Tug

 Ayton Cross


 Heading to Sea

 Ali Cat

 BNS Leopold I Passing Kilcreggan

Belgian Navy

BNS Leopold 1 Outbound

 Azmara Quest at the Greenok Ocean Terminal

Endurance Heads Home

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.