Blog Pages

Tuesday 30 March 2021

SD Warden

A fairly rare visitor to the Clyde arrived from Oban this afternoon and berthed at Great Harbour.

Passing Greenock Inbound

Head On

Waiting to Berth

Canting to Berth

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Stroll at James Watt Dock

A wee walk around James Watt Dock at Greenock this afternoon.

Three Sisters

Safely Tied Up

Nets on Quayside

Drying Out

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Monday 29 March 2021

HMS Westminster Departs

A wet morning with poor visibilty and rain doesn't make for ideal images.

However, here's a few as HMS Westminster departed the Clyde.

HMS Westminster with Condor Escorting

MOD Police Boat Condor Battles the Waves

HMS Westminster on Her Way

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Saturday 20 March 2021

HMS Queen Elizabeth Departing the River Clyde.

HMS Queen Elizabeth left Glen Mallan this morning and headed to Portsmouth.

Despite the COVID Lockdown many managed to get to see her leave the Clyde after her first visit.

Passing Dunoon
Closer View

SD Tempest Takes the Lead

Passing Strone

Outbound from the Clyde

Existing Loch Long

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

Monday 15 March 2021

HMS Queen Elizabeth - First Clyde Visit

Picking up on my Blog after a long absence.

Very early start this morning to ensure I was in good positions to get shoreside images.

Light couldn't have been better making things more enjoyable.

Berthing at Glen Mallan Jetty

Approaching Glen Mallan

Approaching Cove

Passing Innellan

Passing Cloch Lighthouse

Tugs in Attendance

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.