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Wednesday 29 February 2012

Cornaless - Loch Thom Area

The weather and light weren't great but I couldn't resist another wee run up to this area.

I did get a little sunshine late on, but it was still cold in the wind.

A couple of Canadian Geese were about but proving elusive to get some better shots.

Water Viaduct at Cornalees - Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park

Cornalees Area - Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park

 Canadian Geese at Loch Thom - Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park

Loch Thom - Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park
Cornalees Area - Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park
 Cornalees Area - Compensation Reservoir

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

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