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Sunday 26 February 2012

Greenock Cut Visitor Centre

In all these years this was my first visit to the Greenock Cut Visitor Centre - but it will not be my last.

Part of Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park there are a number of walks to suit most individuals.

It was a damp day but rewarding, as the colours were stunning at times when the light was right.

Nature Trail - Cornalees Area

 Nature Trail - Cornalees Area

Nature Trail Path - Cornalees Area

 Waterfall at the Nature Trail - Cornalees Area

 Nature Trail Path - Cornalees Area

Cut Bridge - Cornalees Area

 Derelict Building - Cornalees Area

Nature Walk - Cornalees Area

Bridge Down on the Nature Walk - Cornalees Area
 Compensation Reservoir - Cornalees Area

More images are available at - - and are also better resolution.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for showing these photos of the Greenock Cut.
    It is a place I loved walking (even, if at times, up to the knees in mud)
    I remember once walking on an Autumn late afternoon, the shadows of the evening were just beginning to fall, light was yet over the valleys, but the sky was a mixture of shiny stars and sun-light.
    A great place to walk, think and enjoy
