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Thursday 9 January 2014

RFA 'Fort Victoria' - Loch Striven

A most enjoyable and educational day out today aboard the 'Fort Victoria'.

Thanks to a very kind invitation I was able to view this ship at close quarters and had a very nice tour of the facilities she offers.

The Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels and men are essential to the running of the Royal Navy.

One point worthy of mention though, is my trip aboard the FML (Fast Motor Launch) as this was the final time she will be launched and used by the RFA before being retired.

I'll leave the images to do the talking, but must express my gratitude to all those concerned for making it such a memorable day.

'Fort Victoria' at Loch Striven Jetty

The Bridge

The Bridge

 Looking Aft

 Looking For'ard

 Top Deck

 Looking Aft

 Through the Eye


 On Deck

 Twin Towers

 View from the Stern

 Below Decks

 Looking Down

 Flight Bridge

 FML (Fast Motor Launch)

 FML (Fast Motor Launch)

 View from the Loch

 Speeding Up the Loch


More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

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