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Sunday 7 September 2014

Scottish Airshow - Prestwick

Well it's day two of the Scottish Airshow and down I head again to Ayrshire.

As promised the two Lancasters duly arrived in the morning, preceded by two Spitfires.

I headed for the 'mound' where I parted with £2 to park in a rutted piece of waste ground that's normally derelict and free to use.

Meanwhile the local warden was busy preparing tickets for those illegally parked.

Having travelled a fair distance I opted to pay the £10 for the static display, and parted this time with £5 for the parking.

Rather bemused that the organisers were charging £2 extra to buy the tickets online as the norm is to offer a reduction for early purchase on the web. No concessions either which is also unusual for this type of event.

As for the event itself, I'm sorry to say that it was very non photographer friendly. Six foot high fences around a lot of the exhibits was, to me, an unnecessary barrier. It also meant that many parents were putting their children on their shoulders so that they could see, and I appreciate them having to do this, but unfortunately it impacted on what others could see.

As there was no public address system we were kept guessing as to when aircraft were leaving to fly - so all a bit of a lottery.

There wasn't an abundance of aircraft on display but this was expected and hopefully next year will see many more.

Lancasters Arrive

Canadian Lancaster  Flies Overhead

 Final Approach

 Safely Down

Vulcan Bomber

Canadian Lancaster



British Lancaster


Jet Provost


Static Display

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

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