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Thursday 2 October 2014

"HMS" Onyx - Update

I popped in to the yard today and documented a few more images of 'Onyx' as the dismantling continues.

I've been disappointed to read incorrect comments on the entire scenario of the factual details of how the sad demise of her have been documented in various places on the web.

 I can discount this - "the yard had sold the rights to photograph the vessel" - as complete nonsense and with no evidence to support such a statement. So how many other statements have been made without foundation comes to my mind?

 I have a trustful and respectful relationship with the yard management that allows me to take images, and without their very kind approval we would not have secured images below decks before the dismantling began.

 For that I personally am very grateful, as I believe others should be.

 Unlike many who have gone to the yard without permission and any heed to safety issues, I have always ensured I have been respectful of the working environment and followed safety rules completely.

 As much as I would like to have seen 'Onyx' preserved it is clear that sufficient monies were never raised for what would have been a massive outlay. 

Also bear in mind that she lay at Barrow-in-Furness for about seven years but unfortunately the project there was unsuccessful. So past efforts were an indication of what could happen.

 In the absence of anything happening here I believe that it is good that the local workers at least have employment in the dismantling process, and that the job did not go to another country.

 Dismantling Continues

 High and Dry

 Beached View

 From the Beach Area

 From the Pier

Decay and Rust is Evident

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Doug, great set sad subject. As it now comes to light that former RN frigate Plymouth has now been scrapped despite a last minute attempt at saving her, Onyx has been mentioned a few times on the facebook groups page at "save hms plymouth". The rumours and hearsay surrounding her got so ridiculous that a man called David Briody who was directly involved with the vessels when they were in Birkenhead had to post himself to clear a few things up, mainly the blame being levelled at the "liverpool crew" involved in onyx`s sale. Most if not all the rumours are bieng put out by only 2 people and they are from the hms plymouth trust, the same trust that has gained public donations to save a ship that was scrapped 3 weeks ago!!! i could say more but wont so as not to retract from your images/subject
