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Sunday 5 October 2014

Millport Visit

We expected the Joint Warrior NATO vessels to depart the Clyde today, but the force 10 gale forecast for the Minch had other ideas.

However the USNS Kanawha berth at Loch Striven was brave enough to take on the challenge and she departed around 16:00.

The dilemma was how to get some half decent photos as Loch Striven is not exactly an easy location to get to by car.

Opted to drive to Largs but too far to get anything worthwhile in poor light. The answer was to get the ferry to the Isle of Cumbrae and then the bus to Millport.

After that it was good old Shank's pony and about a mile walk around the tip of the island to get a reasonable location.

After securing the shots it was the reverse journey, so all in all a long day, and not what I expected when I left home.

 Millport Harbour

 Bus Turning Point

 Beach Shelter

Passing Cumbrae

Heading Down the Channel

 Passing Arran

 Rock Pool


Rocks and Sea

 Converted Fisherman's Cottage

Waiting for the Bus to the Ferry

More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.

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