The 'Cape Elise' was brought up from Hunterston on Thursday evening in preparation for her move to the Inchgreen Repair Quay facility today.
She suffered damage when struck by a huge wave in the Atlantic and received assistance from tugs to get her to Hunterston to discharge her cargo prior to coming to Greenock.
She is expected to be in for repair for about three weeks.
While waiting on her move I got a few shots of the SD Eva.

SD Eva

SD Eva

'Cape Elise' Being Towed to Inchgreen

Cape Elise
Preparing to Manoeuvre
'Anglegarth' Drags 'Cape Elise' on Line
'Kestrel' Starts to Push
"Kestrel' Applies Power
Steady as She Goes
Pushing to Berth
Final Nudge for Berthing
'Cape Elise' - Moving to Inchgreen Repair Dock
More images are available at - - better resolution and options to licence.