TS Queen Mary was today towed to the Garvel Dry Dock where she will receive some much needed TLC.
It's a credit to those who have pursued this dream over many years, and all credit to them for their efforts.
A fair crowd gathered to witness the event and many cameras were clicking away to record the event.
Here are a few of my efforts for those who either couldn't manage, or live too far away.
The Short Journey Begins
Towing from the James Watt Dock
Leaving James Watt Dock with Well Wishers on the Quay
Pilot and Dale's Staff

Edging Out

'Biter' Takes the Bow in Tow
Canting off Greenock
Steady Pull
Beginning the Entry to the Garvel Dry Dock
Inching Her Way In
Almost There
Soon be Secured
More images are available at - www.dougie-coull-photography.com - better resolution and options to licence.