Went down to Greenock to grab a few photos tonight
AIDA cara was leaving on the next leg of her cruise and headed to Oban
AIDA cara was leaving on the next leg of her cruise and headed to Oban
The Asto Small Ships Race Fleet was back in the Victoria Harbour having raced off Greenock earlier today

Tomorrow's Itinerary -

Tomorrow's Itinerary -
Muster off Custom House Quay - Noon 'til 12.30
Parade of Sail down to Ashton - 12.30 - 14.00
Race start from Royal Gourock Yacht Club - 14.30

The quayside was fairly busy with locals popping down to see the fleet and take some photographs
Incredibly the midgies started in earnest after the sun went down
Incredibly the midgies started in earnest after the sun went down
More images are available at - www.dougie-coull-photography.co.uk - and are also better resolution.
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