A wee day out to Lochgilphead with a couple of friends to take in the scenery and get some photos.
A good drive up and straight to Ardrishaig to see the end of the Crinan Canal.
Bright and sunny but bitterly cold - still we can't have everything.
Then headed up to the canal locks and stopped for a coffee and sandwich and let Maya out for a walk plus some dog food and water.
Onwards to Crinan Harbour - consisted of a single pontoon - but a nice atmosphere.
A drive round to Crinan where the canal basin leads to the sea.
Some interesting craft so a walk around and chatted with some of the locals doing restoration work, and also one of the canal staff.
On the move again and back to Lochgilphead where I'd arrange to meet an old friend who I hadn't seen in - I guess - about 25 years. Another coffee and sandwich in his garden and enjoyed the warmth of the sun out of the wind.
He recommended a visit to Dunadd and that proved very worthwhile, and also visited the standing stones in the area.
Then to Tarbert but as hunger was getting the better of us we opted for fish and chips and a stretch of the legs. Sadly this meant we missed the light so no photos.
Back up the road and decided to take in the sunset at Crinan, and after that we departed and got home around 23:30 so a long but very worthwhile day.


Ardrishaig Harbour
Crinan Harbour
Steam Tugboat
Crinan Lighthouse
View from Dunadd
Auld Reekie - Puffer
Nether Largie Stones at Kilmartin
Glen Temple Wood Stone Circles
Crinan Canal
Celtic Cross at Kilmartin Church
Sun Sets at Crinan Basin

Sunset from Crinan
More images are available at - www.dougie-coull-photography.co.uk - better resolution and options to licence.
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